Chateaubriand Sauce
(Two Versions, yields 4-6 servings)
Each sauce starts with a reduction of the following:
2 tbsp of chopped shallots
2 tbsp of chopped mushrooms
1 tsp of fresh chopped Thyme
1 tsp of dried Tarragon
10 turns of your pepper mill (I’m currently using brandied peppercorns)
4oz red wine
1 tbsp of butter or olive oil
2 tbsp of meat fond/drippings
Sauté shallots, mushrooms, herbs and pepper in butter or oil for about 4 minutes.
Add red wine and simmer until almost all of the wine has evaporated. Hold on the side.
As for the two versions of this sauce, I either fold this reduction into 8 ounces of Hollandaise sauce or 12 ounces of a Espagnole sauce.
Both the Hollandaise and Espagnole are standard mother sauces. (These are two of the five mother sauces - the other three are Tomato, Béchamel and Velouté)
If using the reduction in a Hollandaise sauce, add a teaspoom of fresh chopped tarragon as a garnish.
I think you had better up on your mother sauces which do not include Espagnole or Bechamel